Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

US Ambassador Flake Announces Joint Sanctions Against ISIS Smuggling Networks by US and Turkey

By Haberyaz Jun14,2024

US Ambassador Flake Announces Joint Sanctions Against ISIS Smuggling Networks by US and Turkey

US Ambassador Flake has made a statement regarding the joint sanction decision taken by the US and Turkey against ISIS smuggling networks. Ambassador Flake remarked, “The sanction decision taken by the US and Turkey against ISIS smuggling networks signals a new level of cooperation in the fight against terrorism.” Additionally, he noted that this decision establishes a strong partnership with the Turkish Republic’s Ministry of Treasury and Finance and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, moving forward with shared interests. He also extended his gratitude to both institutions.

This statement was made by the US Embassy in Ankara, emphasizing that this joint sanction decision will elevate the counter-terrorism collaboration between the two countries to a new level.

Source: US Embassy, Ankara

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