Turkish Citizens Struggle Amid High Taxes, Economic Hardships, and Rising Social Issues: Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu Speaks Out
In Turkey, while mothers ensure there’s always food on the table, fathers tend to be forgetful towards their children. Young people, dreaming of moving abroad, face the harsh reality of high taxes and additional levies that burden the population. The cost of weddings has become unaffordable, forcing many to settle for simple ceremonies at registry offices.
Some interest groups are unfairly using public funds, while the unknown number of refugees in the country leads to sociological and demographic changes. Amidst this chaos, drug lords target the youth, and the government considers shutting down social media platforms, favoring its supporters.
Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu has highlighted these issues, criticizing Turkey’s current state and emphasizing the importance of citizens making informed decisions. The question remains: Isn’t it time we, as a nation, get our act together?
#Turkey #Economy #KemalKilicdaroglu #SocialIssues #HighTaxes #Youth #RefugeeCrisis #Government #SocialMediaShutdown