Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Russia Accuses UK and US Intelligence of Collaborating with Terrorist Groups to Destabilize Eurasia

By Haberyaz May25,2024

Sergey Naryshkin, Head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, has stated that British and American intelligence agencies are continuing their collaboration with underground terrorist groups to destabilize not only Afghanistan but also neighboring countries in Central Asia and the broader Eurasian region. Naryshkin emphasized that these agencies have not abandoned their efforts to create unrest in the entire region.

According to sources from the Russian Embassy in Ankara, these activities are part of a broader strategy by Western intelligence agencies to maintain instability across multiple countries in Eurasia. This statement raises concerns about the ongoing geopolitical tensions and highlights the complex nature of international intelligence operations.

Naryshkin’s remarks come at a time when regional stability is crucial for global security, and they suggest heightened vigilance is required to monitor and counter such destabilizing activities.

#Russia #UK #US #Intelligence #Eurasia #Destabilization #SergeyNaryshkin #CentralAsia #Geopolitics #InternationalRelations

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