Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

President Erdogan Calls on UN Security Council to Address Gaza Crisis

By Haberyaz Sep26,2024

President Erdogan Calls on UN Security Council to Address Gaza Crisis

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made significant statements at the United Nations General Assembly, highlighting the dire situation in Gaza and urgently calling on the international community.

**Focus on Gaza Atrocities**

Erdogan called on the UN Security Council to stop what he described as a genocide in Gaza. He emphasized the need for more measures to prevent the oppression faced by the Palestinian people and Israel’s attacks. “To the United Nations Security Council; what are you waiting for to prevent the genocide in Gaza, to stop this oppression, this barbarism?” he urged the international community to act.

**Responsibility of the International Community**

Addressing the UN, President Erdogan demanded steps be taken to ensure peace and security in the region, while also criticizing powers that jeopardize civilians’ lives for political gain. “Filistin halkıyla birlikte kendi vatandaşlarının canını tehlikeye atan, siyasi ikbali için tüm bölgeyi savaşa sürükleyen katliam şebekesini durdurmak için daha neyi bekliyorsunuz?” he stressed the urgent need to halt entities pushing the region into conflict.

**Criticism of Countries Supporting Israel**

Erdogan also criticized countries giving unconditional support to Israel, deeming it disgraceful. “How long will you carry the shame of watching this massacre, of being complicit in this savagery?” he asked, reminding the international community of its responsibilities.

This appeal by the President has reopened global discussions on the situation in Gaza and the accountability of the international community.

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