Recent killings of newborn babies have caused significant outrage within the community. The incidents highlight gaps in the healthcare system and the failure to prevent such tragic events. Discussions have surfaced around the necessity of harsh penalties for those devoid of humanity.
The issue also profoundly impacts the sense of trust, a crucial social and psychological dynamic, affecting citizens’ confidence in healthcare institutions. The constitution mandates the state to protect the physical and mental health of everyone. It is emphasized that the supervision and service delivery of healthcare institutions should be a collaborative effort between public and private sectors.
Furthermore, it is argued that healthcare services should prioritize citizens’ needs over profit maximization. The unfortunate incident involving newborns calls for a critical examination of the healthcare system and necessitates the implementation of measures to prevent future tragedies. The adage “There is nothing as precious among the populace as the state, and nothing in the world as valuable as a breath of health,” is brought up to underline the state’s enduring responsibility in this matter.