Tue. Feb 25th, 2025

New QR Code System Introduced to Enhance Food Safety in Turkey

By Haberyaz Jul21,2024

New QR Code System Introduced to Enhance Food Safety in Turkey

Tarım ve Orman Bakanı İbrahim Yumaklı has announced a new “QR Code Application for Food Enterprises” aimed at ensuring consumers have access to reliable food.

Highlighting ongoing efforts to improve food safety, Yumaklı emphasized that the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s biggest supporters in these initiatives are the Agricultural Credit Cooperatives.

The QR code application, initiated by the Ministry to monitor the inspection status of food enterprises, has been implemented at the “Agriculture Credit Zero Market,” stated Yumaklı. He appealed to all citizens to search for this QR code, which details ministry inspections, at any food production, sales, or consumption locations.


Yumaklı expressed confidence that businesses will widely adopt the voluntary-use application, noting, “Every business will share this application with our citizens as a testament to its accreditation status. We are in close communication with the food and beverage units and councils of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey. We have introduced this application to the relevant units by inviting them,” he said.

Emphasizing that food safety is a natural right for every citizen, Yumaklı added, “By using this QR code to share inspection details with customers, businesses can not only demonstrate their accreditation but also engage in self-monitoring.”


There are approximately 776,000 food enterprises, noted Yumaklı, adding, “I hope that the majority of these businesses will implement this application as soon as possible. As a consumer, when I see this QR code and the details of the latest inspection, it will certainly be a source of confidence for me.”

Explaining the application process, Yumaklı said consumers need to first download the “Agriculture in My Pocket” app. From the “Food Control” section, they can select “Business Inspection Inquiry” and scan the QR code available at the business to access the latest inspection results.


“The more advanced versions of this application are forthcoming,” said Yumaklı. “In the future, citizens will also be able to see the inspection results. I urge consumers to use and follow up on this application consistently,” he added.

Furthermore, each business-specific QR code, prepared by the Ministry, can be downloaded by food enterprises from the “https://guvenilirgida.tarimorman.gov.tr/” website and displayed in visible areas for consumers.

Using the QR code from the Agriculture in My Pocket app, consumers can access details such as registration/approval number, title, address, and the date of the last inspection conducted at the business.

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