June Issue of ANAHTAR Magazine Highlights Green Industry Policies and Innovation
The Ministry of Industry and Technology has published the June edition of its official magazine, ANAHTAR. This month’s focus is on “Green Industry Policies and Green Innovation.”
The magazine explores the relationship between Green Innovation and Brand Value, with detailed analyses on Eco-Innovation and Eco-Entrepreneurship. In addition, the issue shares updates on ongoing initiatives under the Sustainable Product Initiative.
Green transformation projects in Organized Industrial Zones (OIZs) are also prominently featured, aiming to reduce the environmental impact of these zones and enhance their sustainability.
For more detailed information, readers are encouraged to review the June issue of the Ministry of Industry and Technology’s official magazine, ANAHTAR.
#GreenInnovation #EcoEntrepreneurship #SustainableIndustry #IndustrialZones #ANAHTARJuneIssue #GreenPolicies