Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

İYİ Parti Leader Praises National Swimmer for Historic Achievement in European Championships

By Haberyaz Jun23,2024

İYİ Parti Leader Praises National Swimmer for Historic Achievement in European Championships

İYİ Party Chairman Müsavat Dervişoğlu announced that the ongoing successes of the youth of the Republic in the European arena continue to make the Turkish nation proud. Dervişoğlu heartily congratulated national swimmer Hüseyin Emre Sakçı, who achieved a historic success in the 50-meter breaststroke at the European Water Sports Championships and won a gold medal.

In his statement, Dervişoğlu emphasized that the achievements of young athletes on international platforms honor Turkey. He said, “The successes of Hüseyin Emre Sakçı have brought joy not only to his family and close ones but to all of Turkey. I extend my gratitude to everyone who contributed to the upbringing of such young talents.”

Source: İYİ Party Press Office

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