Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Fuat Oktay Honors Necip Fazıl Kısakürek on the 41st Anniversary of His Passing

By Haberyaz May25,2024

AK Party Ankara Deputy Fuat Oktay has issued a commemorative message on the 41st anniversary of the passing of famous poet and intellectual Necip Fazıl Kısakürek. In his statement, Oktay highlighted Kısakürek’s contributions to the world of ideas and literature.

In his message, Fuat Oktay stated, “I remember with mercy and gratitude the great thinker, poet, and intellectual master Necip Fazıl Kısakürek on the 41st anniversary of his passing. May his resting place be in paradise.”

Kısakürek is remembered as a figure who left a significant mark on Turkish literature and deeply influenced many generations through his works. Oktay’s commemorative message once again underscored Kısakürek’s place in the Turkish intellectual and literary world.

Source of the news: Official statement by AK Party Ankara Deputy Fuat Oktay.

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