Farewell Reception Held for Mrs. Cheryl Flake at U.S. Embassy in Turkey
This week, Mrs. Cheryl Flake was bid farewell as she departed from Turkey and embarked on her journey back to the United States.
Last night, a reception was held at the U.S. Ambassador’s official residence, where embassy staff expressed their gratitude to Mrs. Flake. Murat Özyeğin, Chairman of the Turkey-U.S. Business Council (TAIK), presented Mrs. Flake with an award for her contributions in promoting Turkish culture, history, and people.
During the reception, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Turkey, Ambassador Berris Ekinci, delivered a speech, thanking Ambassador Flake and Mrs. Flake for their innumerable contributions to U.S.-Turkey relations.
The U.S. Embassy in Ankara declared in their farewell message, “We will miss you, Mrs. Flake!”