Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Good Party’s Oktay Vural Comments on “We are Mustafa Kemal’s Soldiers” Chant at Graduation Ceremony

By Haberyaz Sep21,2024

Good Party’s Oktay Vural Comments on “We are Mustafa Kemal’s Soldiers” Chant at Graduation Ceremony

Oktay Vural, the Head of Political Affairs for the Good Party, made statements regarding the chanting of “We are Mustafa Kemal’s soldiers” at a graduation ceremony. Vural suggested there were “certain exploiters” and indicated that “a few oblivious individuals will be cleared out.”

Additionally, during a public speech in Muğla, Vural responded to another individual’s chanting of “We are Mustafa Kemal’s soldiers.” He countered by saying, “No one will applaud you for doing this.” He then instructed security forces, “Take this person aside.”

These incidents have sparked debate and drawn significant public attention.

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