Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Hoca Ahmed Yesevi Symposium Highlights Turkic World’s Rich Cultural Heritage

By Haberyaz Sep14,2024

In a highly anticipated event hosted by Ahmet Yesevi University, the “Turkic World and Pir-i Turkistan: Hoca Ahmed Yesevi Symposium” successfully concluded. This significant symposium was organized in collaboration with the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) and Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University.

During the symposium, participants delved into the rich cultural heritage of the Turkic world, focusing on the intellectual contributions of Hoca Ahmed Yesevi, known as Pir-i Turkistan, in terms of history, literature, and culture. The event provided a deep dive into Turkish culture, offering a wealth of knowledge to attendees.

The symposium underscored cultural interaction and knowledge sharing, featuring the participation of numerous academics and researchers. It encouraged reflection on the shared values of the Turkic world.

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