Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Ministry Investigates Fish Deaths in Izmir Bay Due to Pollution

By Haberyaz Aug24,2024

Izmir, Turkey – The Republic of Turkey’s Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change has initiated an investigation into the recent fish deaths in Izmir Bay. Samples of seawater from the affected area and surrounding open waters have been analyzed by authorized laboratories.

Initial assessments indicate that the fish deaths are likely caused by insufficient oxygen levels due to water pollution. To conduct a more detailed examination, a Marine Monitoring Vessel and a Mobile Water and Wastewater Laboratory have been dispatched to the region. Additionally, inspections will be carried out on seven streams and wastewater sources discharging into the bay.

In the face of this pollution crisis, the Ministry has issued warnings to responsible local administrations. The ongoing developments are being closely and carefully monitored.

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