Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

İstanbul Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu Emphasizes Industry’s Role in City’s Future at ISO Meeting

By Haberyaz Jul2,2024

İstanbul Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu Emphasizes Industry’s Role in City’s Future at ISO Meeting

Istanbul Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu addressed the meeting “The Role of Our Industry in Istanbul’s Future Vision” organized by the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO).

The meeting aimed to assess the role of industry in Istanbul’s future and develop strategic plans on the subject. The significance of integrating modern industrial technologies and sustainable industrial policies was highlighted.

İmamoğlu underlined the industrial potential of Istanbul and the decisive role of the industrial sector in the city’s development. He also emphasized the importance of strengthening cooperation between industrial enterprises and local authorities.

The meeting saw the participation of leading representatives and experts from the industrial sector. A comprehensive discussion was held on Istanbul’s industrial development process and the necessary steps to be taken in the future.

This event holds great significance for Istanbul’s economic and industrial planning. The speeches focused on the need to adopt innovative approaches in industry and offered suggestions to increase the city’s competitive edge.

Source: Meeting organized by the Istanbul Chamber of Industry.

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