Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Colorful Responses from Ankara Streets on UEFA 2024

By Haberyaz Jun11,2024

As the UEFA 2024 championship is set to take place in Germany, we took to the streets of Ankara to gauge public sentiment. We asked residents what comes to mind when they think of “UEFA 2024,” whether they know any German words, and who they predict will win the tournament. The responses were both entertaining and surprising.

According to the survey results, many people are aware that UEFA 2024 will be held in Germany and expressed their growing excitement for the event. When asked about their knowledge of the German language, some residents admitted to having limited vocabulary, while a few knew basic words. As for championship predictions, popular choices included Germany, France, and Italy.

The survey conducted on the streets of Ankara highlights the enthusiasm and excitement of football fans for UEFA 2024. As the event kicks off, it appears that football fever and excitement will spread from Germany to the entire world.

Report: German Embassy

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